Friday, November 7, 2008

The mouse ran up the...ewwww

Yesterday was Thursday...and I usually always work at Starbucks from 4:45a to noon and then head off to the office to finish out the afternoon. This Thursday was a little different. A few months ago, dad mentioned he was pretty sure he saw a mouse in the, being the wonderful assistant that I am, I got a few of those sticky traps and put them around in places a mouse may dare to little cubby holes and behind furniture! The idea was a great one, but to no avail! Not one mouse, I caught some other kind of creepy insect, but no rodent was to be found....or at least that's what I thought!! After a few weeks of having those nasty things around, I made the executive desicion to gather and dispose of them assuming that whatever dad had "seen" was no longer hanging around. I was RIGHT, it wasn't "hanging around" was apparently HIDING OUT, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal it's nasty little mouse head!
On Tuesday, of this week, I went into the office only to find dropping on and around my work, I've come a long way and I'm not grossed out by POOP as much as I used to be...but the thought of what it must have come from was enough for me to keep my feet up in my chair for the rest of that day! It was now time to bring those stickies back to the battle field!! This was going to be my moment of glory, I just knew it!! Wednesday...nothing...and now it was Thursday....a different day.
I had gone home to have some lunch and then planned to go to work. As I approached my car, I noticed a bulge in my back right was dying! I suddenly felt unsafe with Mrs. Faye (my car)!! Because my parents are in Florida this weekend, I decided to take advantage of the big truck in my driveway! A detail that has little to do with the mouse story, but an interesting share. I pulled up to Winning Families only thinking about when would be the best time to take care of the tire situation and nothing more....I unlock the door, flip the light switch, walk across the room to turn on the miniture lamp (a regular routine is my point) and continue around to sit at my desk....and that's when I saw it!!! It was sitting in the sticky goo!! I almost threw up a little in my mouth, but calmly walked around my desk and back across the room. I turned off the miniture lamp, reversed the light switch, and went out the door only to lock it behind me. I was NOT working at the office, I would find another place to task.

That's not quite the end of the story...but definitely the end of my involvement! These are the moments where men are so greatly appreciated...for their heroism and bravery!! I had no where else to was on his way to was time to call Benj! Now, I'd like to report that my wonderful brother-in-law saw my distress, understood my disposition, and came directly to my rescue....the rescuing part is true...he "took care of" the situation...but only after phrases like, "why can't you do it?" and "he's just a cute little scared mouse!"...none of which were able to shake my disgust! Despite it all, I am proud of the man my sister married and am so thankful for not being the one to have to "make sure" the rodent was dead...


Mary said...

Told you the mouse would be fun to blog about!(you should have taken a picture!) Great story...glad benj could help!

John Ryan Seaman said...

That story was off the chain! I was on pins and needles (not really, but it was great!). You write much different than me. I am afraid of exclamation points. I think you have inspired me to utilize them!!! But really it was awesome! It made me smile. Keep up the good work. Blogging really does improve your creativity and writing skills. People only read quality blogs. If you keep that in mind as you write, your fanfare will only get greater and greater! **Bethany the blogging prodigy**